Bilby 3D
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General Enquiries:

Phone: Freecall 1800-847-333

Kingsgrove Sydney ShowroomSydney - Kingsgrove, NSW

Unit 7, "Kingsgrove Business Centre"
Set Your Store
192 Kingsgrove Rd
Ph: 02 8197 3928

Clayton Melbourne ShowroomMelbourne - Clayton, VIC

Factory A5, "Hallmarc Business Park" 2 Westall Rd
Set Your Store
Ph: 03 8080 1200

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New to Bilby3D?

3D Printers, Consumables and 3D Printing Services

Bilby 3D are the biggest distributor of consumer, educational and professional 3D printers, filament and 3D Printer Parts in Australia. We have built our reputation on excellence of service, and knowledge and experience in 3D Printing.

We do not just sell 3D Printers. We use them and we know them!

We also manufacture a number of the parts ourselves; have our own brand of 3D Printing filament, and offer a 3D Print service, for those of you wanting to try before you buy, or just looking for a one off print for prototyping or that unique gift.

What are you interested in?
Buy a 3D Printer
Buy a 3D Printer
3D Printer filament (plastic) for sale in Australia
Filament (plastic)
3D Printer SLA resins for sale in Australia
SLA Resin
Courses and Training in 3D Printing and Printers
3D Printer Courses
3D Printing Service and Repairs
3D Printer Repair
Technical Support - 3D Printers
Tech Support
Building Your Own 3D Printer?

Check out our Parts section, it has everything you need.

Buy A 3D Print
We love 3D Printing and have a bank of working machines printing client and in house models all day, every day (well almost). So we thought we would make some samples from each of our machines, and some of our favorite prints available for you to buy.

Use them to review a machine you are thinking of buying, or just as a unique gift for a friend, or even yourself.

Click MORE info for larger photos and more details regarding each print
See all samples here
Chubbs the Octopus
Chubbs is printed on a Replicator 2.
11cm Tall
 @ $7.50
GST Inc. Low stock. May be backordered.

Hilberts Cube
This cube is printed on the FlashForge Dreamer.
3cm square
 @ $5.00
GST Inc. Low stock. May be backordered.

Why we love 3D Printing
We know it is thrown around a lot and become clichè, but we really do believe 3D printing is going to change the world in a number of ways.
  • 3D Printing : Medical Applications
    As parents of a child with Kidney dysfunction (and a rare blood type to match), we (Lee and Chris Bilby, founders or Bilby 3D) are without doubt skewed in favor of this technology because of the tremendous ramifications to organ transplants. We are really excited that Kidneys biologically match to the patient from their own cells are being 3D Printed and that within only a few years we will no longer see organ waiting lists, and rejections, as patients will be implanted with an organ that is, for all intent and purpose, their own!

    We already have very successful use of 3D Printing technology to product hip and joint replacements in Europe, heart valves in the USA and prosthetics for children that would normally not have them due to budgetary constraints.

    Australia's own Health Physics (research company in Wollongong NSW) was instrumental in the adoption of 3D Printers to print pre-op evaluation models of tumors, and crushed bones. We are very proud to have been there from the early stages of their research and see their amazing adaptation of ultrasound, MRI and CAT scans into 3D models on the old Makerbot Replicator 1 what feels like an age ago.

    We have not even discussed the increased assess to hearing aids, dentures and dental products, customized prosthetics, bone reconstructions and other amazing advances in modern medicine made possible through 3D Printing ..... This is really exciting and we can not wait to see the future.

  • Engineering and Design with a 3D Printer
    Gone are the days where prototyping and testing took months, due to slow and expensive prototype creation. We remember when the average time to see a physical model of your design took 3-6 months, only to discover your design did not actually fit perfectly with other components and needed changing...along with another 3-6 month wait!

    Our friends at Ford (Australia) use their 3D printer as an intrinsic part of the design and development process.
    “I actually see additive as producing situations where you’re going to have higher-skilled positions that companies are going to need to fill, both on the technician level, and the engineering and design level,” Greg Morris, GE Aviation

  • Pathway to market : how 3D printing has made the impossible possible
    Prior to 3D printing, product manufacture and prototyping was slow and expensive. Now small business owners can produce small runs at low cost and release their product without high capital investment.

    Case examples
    Bilby 3D actually is a case in point. Our electronics boxes, spool stands, and even some repair parts are all 3D Printed. If we were to have to use traditional manufacturing and injection mould these parts, well the truth is they probably would have never made it to market. 3D printing not only allowed small runs, but also constant re-iteration and improvement to the designs.

    Slydev are a small Australian company specialising in customised, small run products for Nerf guns and associated products. They have also built up excellent Rapid Prototyping and Small Scale Production services for other like-minded designers. 3D Printing is at the heart of their business model, an intrinsic part of their success.

  • 3D Printing in Education : Changing art, design, history and science curricula
    What are the chances of the average Australian student ever going to the Louvre in Paris and standing at the foot of the amazing Winged Victory of Samothrace in awe of its 2.75m (9 feet) grey-white marble magnificence?
    Or holding a T.Rex skull?
    Or see a trilobite scuttle across the desk?

    Yet all these things are now possible and tangible with 3D Printing!

Copyright 2011-2024 Bilby3D Pty. Ltd.

Bilby 3D Pty. Ltd. Phone 1800-847-333 Int:+61 2 8197 3928

Australian Owned & Operated Distributors of Desktop 3D Printers, 3D Scanners, Tools & Parts

Sydney: Unit 7, Kingsgrove Business Centre, 192 Kingsgrove Rd, Kingsgrove, NSW 2208

Melbourne: Factory A5, HallMarc Business Park, 2A Westall Rd, Clayton, VIC 3168